
Devil You Know

  • Автор: Carey M. R.

  • Переплет: мягкий
  • Страниц: 472
  • Формат: 17x10x3.1 см
  • Вес: 250 г
  • ISBN: 978-1-84149-413-5
  • Бумага: газетная
  • Иллюстрации: отсутствуют
  • Год издания: 2019
  • Язык издания: английский
  • Оформление: тиснение серебром



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Felix Castor is a freelance exorcist, and London is his stamping ground. At a time when the supernatural world is in upheaval and spilling over into the mundane reality of the living, his skills have never been more in demand. A good exorcist can charge what he likes - and enjoy a hell of a life-style - but there's a risk: sooner or later he's going to take on a spirit that's too strong for him.
After a year spent in 'retirement' Castor is reluctantly drawn back to the life he rejected and accepts a seemingly simple exorcism case - just to pay the bills, you understand. Trouble is, the more he discovers about the ghost haunting the archive, the more things don't add up. What should have been a perfectly straightforward exorcism is rapidly turning into the Who Can Kill Castor First Show, with demons, were-beings and ghosts all keen to claim the big prize.
But that's OK, Castor knows how to deal with the dead. It's the living who piss him off.